Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI)

At the ICMAB we are clearly aware that any activity carried out at the ICMAB should be conducted by adhering to Responsible Research and Innovation (RRI) principles, namely:

  • Governance to prevent harmful or unethical developments of our research and innovation.
  • Open Access to research results and publications to boost innovation and increase the use of scientific results.
  • Ethics to respect ethical standards and fundamental rights in response to societal challenges.
  • Gender equality, and in a wider sense, diversity in research teams and topics.
  • Public Engagement of all societal actors (researchers, industry, policy makers, civil society) for a reflective research process.
  • Science Education to enhance current education processes and to better equip future researchers and society as a whole, with the necessary competences.

In summary, we envision our research activities to be performed by inclusive, diverse, and gender-balanced teams, in an open and transparent environment, anticipating and reflecting on the consequences of our choices and potential risks, being open and adaptive to changes and making our results accessible to the public encompassing the participation and feedback from the civil society, when possible.

We deem essential for our researchers to think in advance on the consequences of their research, and propose alternative solutions to the research problems they are facing. Those solutions should be evaluated taking into account moral values, and including the views of a broad range of stakeholders (scientific community, citizens, industry…).

To make all this possible, and increase the awareness of RRI principles among the ICMAB community, during 2020 we carried out the following activities:



Some activities in RRI include:

  • Participate in European and National workshops on RRI
  • Offer specific training activities on specific RRI aspects to our staff
  • Increase internal communication on the topic
  • Ensure that in all the project proposals (European and National) the gender, ethics, social impact and open access topics are well addressed
  • Organize a “RRI Day” for those in-house researchers and invited experts willing to present their views in this field.


Open Access

At the ICMAB we encourage the Golden Route to open access publications by the systematic use of CSIC’s open access publication support agreements (RSC, ACS, Frontiers, PNAS, Springer Open), and we optimize the self-archiving (Green Route), by uploading the postprints to the Digital CSIC institutional repository with the help of our Librarian & Documentalist, Alejandro Santos.

Giving open access to our scientific results is essential to boost the benefits of the public investment in research and increase knowledge dissemination, following European and National policies. We are planning to implement a system for the progressive increase of datasets associated to the published articles deposition and to offer specific training for our research staff on open access, open science and RRI issues.

  • Open Access Week

    The 2020 Open Access Week Advisory Committee is pleased to announce that the theme for this year’s International Open Access Week, to be held October 19-25, will be “Open with Purpose: Taking Action to Build Structural Equity and Inclusion.”
    International Open Access Week is a time for the wider community to coordinate in taking action to make openness the default for research and to ensure that equity is at the center of this work. At ICMAB we organized on 27 October 2020 a seminar by Alejandro Santos on “Open Access: novedades en el CSIC”. The seminar talked about the latest news about Open Access in the CSIC: new agreements for open access publishing in different journals, and a practical approach to encourage the uploading of articles and dataset into the institutional repository to make it accessible to the pubic. Over 50 people attended the seminar, which was held online due to the Covid pandemic restrictions.

  • Open Access publications
    ICMAB authors published in 2020 a total of 267 articles indexed in the Web of Science, from which all of them are in Open Access.
    111 are Gold Open Access (42 %), of which 63 are in hybrid journals and 48 in open access journals.
    156 are Green Open Access (58 %) in the Digital CSIC Institutional repository. Although all the articles are in the Digital CSIC repository, some are still embargoed (76) and in others only the metadata is available (40).

  • Open Access in CSIC
    CSIC through its Unit of Scientific Information Resources for Research (URICI), has signed agreements with some publishers to support open access publishing (OA). Thanks to these agreements, CSIC authors who wish to publish in OA benefit from total or partial financing from the APC (article processing charges) depending on the publisher.
    In addition, Digital CSIC now includes a tool in which one can see the percentage of Open Access publications of every center of the CSIC.

Gender Equality and Women in Science

The Gender Equality in 2020 was busy with the activities to commemorate the International Day of Women and Girls in Science (11 February) and with implementing the Gender Equality Roadmap for the ICMAB. However, due to the lockdown, much of the activities had to be cancelled or postponed to 2021.

Events for the International Day of Women and Girls in Science 2020 (11 February) and for the Women’s Day (8 March)

The Gender Equality Committee at ICMAB organizes many of its activities during the month between 11 February (International Day of Women and Girls in Science) and 8 March. In 2020, these month was before the lockdown, so we could organize many of the events programmed (although three were cancelled, which were going to take place around the second week of March, when everything started to change. Finally, the events that we could organize around the topic of Women in Science and Gender Equality in research are:

    • Monday, 3 February 3 2020: Anna Laromaine at the Institut Vescomtat de Cabrera, Hostalric (4th ESO and BTX)
    • Monday, 3 February 2020: Lourdes Fàbrega at Col·legi Santa Maria-Manyanet, Blanes (4th ESO)
    • Monday, 10 February 2020: Anna Roig at INS Lliçà d'Amunt, Llicà d'Amunt (4th ESO)
    • Monday, 10 February 2020: Rosario Núñez at Institut La Romànica, Barberà del Vallès (Medium Grade)
    • Tuesday, 11 Februaru 2020: Arántzazu González, at Escola Can Maiol (3r Primària) (with other scientists from CSIC Catalunya)
    • Friday, 14 February 2020: Lourdes Fàbrega at Escola Cor de Maria, Blanes.
    • Sants3Radio covers the #11F2020 in "Escola Can Maiol" with Arántzazu González
Anna May-Masnou This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Anna May-Masnou This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web & Graphic Editor
José Antonio Gómez  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

José Antonio Gómez This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Albert Moreno     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.