
Creation of new Committees

An interesting Severo Ochoa action is the formation of three new committees on Recruiting, Seminars & Training, and Gender Equality. These committees are integrated by members of each research lines and have the support of the Severo Ochoa project managers. In 2017, two other committees were created, the Technology Transfer committee, and the Communication & Outreach committee. These new committees were added to the already existing committees of the Institute: Health & Safety, Computing, Gas and Waste Management.


The objectives of this committee are to attract junior and senior scientists with outstanding track record on FUNMAT specialties, from Spain and abroad; foster and develop a professional career to promote excellent researchers on FUNMAT specialties.


  • Anna Roig (RL1)
  • Narcís Mestres (RL2)
  • Gervasi Herranz (RL3)
  • Esther Barrena (RL4)
  • Jaume Veciana (RL5)
  • Montse Salas (Strategic Managing Unit)

Seminars and Training

The objectives of this seminar are to disseminate the ICMAB research lines; let people know the new researchers incorporated at ICMAB; spread the offer of the Scientific and Technical services available at ICMAB; offer periodical seminars by renowned national and international researchers; generate a distinctive and competitive post-graduate and multidisciplinar training program specialized on Advanced Functional Materials and Nanomaterials as the best possible starting platform for a successful career; and organize Training Workshops on specific subjects.


  • Alejandro Goñi (RL1)
  • Ana M. López-Periago (RL1)
  • Mariona Coll (RL2)
  • Anna Palau (RL2)
  • Lourdes Fàbrega (RL3)
  • Alberto Pomar (RL3)
  • Rosario Núñez (RL4)
  • Enric Canadell (RL4)
  • Gerard Tobías (RL5)
  • Anna Laromaine (RL5)
  • Anna May Masnou (Communication & Outreach)

Gender Equality Committee

Gender is a cross-cutting issue and is mainstreamed in all European and national projects, ensuring a more integrated approach to research and innovation. The objectives of the Gender Committee are based on the strategy on gender equality of Horizon 2020:

  • Fostering gender balance in research teams, in order to close the gaps in the participation of women.
  • Ensuring gender balance in decision-making, in order to reach the target of 40% of the under-represented sex in panels and groups and of 50% in advisory groups.
  • Integrating the gender dimension in research and innovation (R&I) content, helps improve the scientific quality and societal relevance of the produced knowledge, technology and/or innovation.

The Gender Committee created within the Severo Ochoa project has the goal of recognizing and strengthening equal opportunities within the Institute.


  • Riccardo Rurali (RL1, Deputy Director)
  • Ángel Pérez (RL1)
  • Susagna Ricart (RL2)
  • Carlos Frontera (RL3)
  • Núria Aliaga (RL4)
  • Esther Barrena (RL4)
  • Anna Crespi (Technical Services)
  • Amanda Muñoz (PhD reseracher)
  • Pietat Sierra (Administration)
  • Marta Vendrell (Administration)
  • Anna May Masnou (Communication & Outreach)

Communication & Outreach

The Communication & Outreach Committee was formally established in April 2018, as part of one of the Severo Ochoa project objectives, to invigorate the Communication & Outreach of the Institute. The aim of the committee is to support and collaborate on internal and external communications, and on the outreach activities of the Institute. It functions as a general discussion space for supporting, developing, and sharing information about communications efforts. The committee's primary method of communication is by email and by periodical meetings. 


  • Anna May (Communication & Outreach Officer)
  • Alfonso del Rey (TT Unit)
  • Juan Luis García Pomar (RL1)
  • Mar Tristany (RL2)
  • Joffre Gutiérrez (RL2)
  • Ferran Macià (RL3)
  • J. L. Garcia Muñoz (RL3)
  • Núria Crivillers (RL4)
  • Judith Guasch (RL5)
  • Stefania Sandoval (RL5)

Technology Transfer Committee

The Knowledge and Technology Transfer (KTT) Committee was established in July 2017, as part of one of the Severo Ochoa project objectives, to invigorate the Technology Transfer of the Institute. The main objectives of the Committee are defining the KTT strategy of ICMAB, reviewing the KTT actions done during a certain period of time and planning the future actions.


  • Alfonso del Rey (TT Unit)
  • Susana Garelik (TT Unit)
  • Xavier Obradors (Director)
  • Rosa Palacín (Deputy Director)
  • Laura Cabana (Strategic Managing Unit)
  • Anna May Masnou (Communication & Outreach)
  • Alejandro Goñi (RL1)
  • Elies Molins (RL1)
  • Dino Tonti (RL1)
  • Xavier Granados (RL2)
  • Mar Tristany (RL2)
  • Ignasi Fina (RL3)
  • Martí Gich (RL3)
  • Jaume Veciana (RL4)
  • Anna López-Periago (RL5)
  • Nora Ventosa (RL5)
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Web & Graphic Editor
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