Mobility Actions, Training and Internationalization

PhD Theses 2020

In total, by the end of 2020 the ICMAB graduates amounted 288. During 2020, 16 PhD theses were defended, 5 women (31 %) and 11 men (69 %), and of the 25 supervisors of the graduated fellows, 14 were women (56 %) and 11 men (44 %).

PhD Theses during the Severo Ochoa period

Since 2016, a total of 80 PhD Thesis have been defended (16 in average per year), of which 48 (60 %) by men and 32 (40 %) by women.

These PhD Thesis have been supervised by one or two researchers each, giving a total of 132 supervisors, of which 64 (48 %) men and 68 (52 %) women.


Three types of seminars are organized within the ICMAB.

ICMAB Periodical Lectures

The first and more known ones are the ICMAB Periodical Lectures, organized by the Seminars and Training committee. These biweekly seminars are talks of general interest for the material science community.The invited speakers are selected by the committee among a pool of candidates nominated by scientists of the institute.

The goal of these seminars is two-fold: (i) provide a general introduction to a non-specialized audience in that particular topic (speakers are requested to devote at least one third of their presentation to a broad introduction of the field); (ii) stimulate the collaboration with ICMAB researchers or reinforcing them, if already existing.


ICMAB Invited Seminars

The second type of seminars are the Invited Seminars: invited researchers that come to the ICMAB to present their research and collaborate with some of our researchers, participate in a conference in the area, etc. These are hosted whenever the invited researcher is available, although most of them are on Mondays, and invited and hosted by some of our researchers.

ICMAB Special Day Seminars

The third type of seminars are special seminars to commemorate a special day, such as the International Day of Women and Girls in Science or Christmas, for example. An invited speaker expert in a field (not necessarily Materials Science) is proposed by either the staff or the Communication and Outreach committee and invited to give a one-hour lecture for all our staff.

Seminars 2020

We hosted many seminars during 2020. We started with seminars at ICMAB, but when the lockdown came in March, we had to change our plans, and start doing seminars online. Later on, when we could go back to ICMAB but the capacity of the rooms was limited, we started doing the seminars in a hybrid format (from ICMAB but available to follow online). We are very happy for how our staff adapted to the situation, and rapidly organized seminars in an online format.

So, these are the seminars we could host in 2020:

  • 20 ICMAB Seminars (5 at ICMAB, 15 online or hybrid)
  • One Seminar for the International Day of Women and Girls in Science (11 February)
  • One Seminar for the Open Access Week (27 October)

Conferences and Meetings 2020

Although 2020 was struck by the pandemic, and the conferences were face-to-face only during January and February, and in March there was hardly anything organized, ICMAB reserachers started quickly to adapt to the situation and attended multiple online seminars and conferences online. We have counted 116 conferences, 75 of which were organized by entities and institutions in Spain, and 41 by institutions and entities from other countries, including the United States, Japan, France, Germany, Switzerland, Serbia, Mexico or Portugal. 

The conferences are of a broad range of topics: superconductivity, oxide materials, boron and silicon, nanocomposites, materials science, coordination chemistry, nanoparticles’ applications, lithium batteries, organic and hybrid thermoelectrics, cellulose, solid state physics, paramagnetic materials, nanoscience and nanotechnology, low temperature electronics, synthetic metals, molecule-based magnets, medicinal chemistry, semiconductors, etc.

Some ICMAB PhD fellows, together from PhD fellows from the ICN2, IMB-CNM-CSIC, UAB and ALBA, organized the 5th Scientific Meeting of BNC-b Students, that was finally held online on 17-18 September 2020, and was a huge success.

Workshops and Courses 2020

2020 was the year of the pandemic, so not many workshops were organized, mainly because we could not organize them at ICMAB, and we had to make them online. However, we managed to organize the Scientific Meeting of PhD researchers (on 17-18 September), organized by PhD fellows, and the School OPTOFEM (on 22-23 October 2020) on Optically Controlled Ferroelectric Memristors (organized by RL3 reserachers Josep Fontcuberta and Ignasi Fina). Before the lockdown, we also managed to organize a workshop at ALBA Synchrotron, to find synergies between ALBA and ICMAB researchers, and the Welcome Day for the DOC-FAM fellows.

In October, we also organized the course on “Characterization techniques for Particulate Materials” of the SoftLab, and in December the ICMAB Gender Equality Committee participated in the 1st meeting of CSIC centers Equality Committees, which was held online. We also hosted the Scientific Advisory Meeting on 3-4 December in an online format.

Anna May-Masnou This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Anna May-Masnou This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Web & Graphic Editor
José Antonio Gómez  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

José Antonio Gómez This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Albert Moreno     This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.